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No Compromise

September 18, 2020


“For You have been my hope, O Sovereign Lord, my confidence since my youth.”  Psalm 71: 5

Jesus has walked very deep with me and been an active force in my life ever since I can remember.  When I was very young He taught me His ways of love, grace, and forgiveness.  He also taught me about His church, the Body of Christ and how it should function.  All this was long before I ever encountered a bible or a church, but when I got a bible from the Gideon’s at school in fifth grade; I discovered that the written word only served to confirm all that Christ had already been revealing to me all those years.

However, when I finally went to some “churches” when I was about 14… I discovered that much of what they taught and practiced went directly against what Jesus and the bible had shown me.  Instead of finding a fully functioning Body of Christ where every member was valuable and important…I found a few “men” called Pastors who dominated all the sharing and ministry while all the other members sat quietly in their pews and chairs.  When I publicly questioned the Leadership about this tragedy they dismissed me very quickly and I was told to not come back there ever again.

This all happened shortly after my earthly father hit me in the head with a shovel and left me for dead on the side of the road.  My father did this because he did not want to hear about Jesus from me and I could not back down from sharing the gospel with him.  Looking back I am glad this event happened because from that day forward he would abuse and rape me no more.

Being on my own and homeless at age 14 was not easy, but the Lord was still with me and I never went hungry or without some sort of shelter.  Sometimes that meant dumpster diving and a cardboard box, but His grace was sufficient as always to get me through the most difficult times.  From age 14 til 17 I bounced around finding fellowship wherever I could with like minded followers of Jesus.  What I could not find in “church” buildings I found at dinner tables and living rooms.  However, Jesus quite clearly let me know that in my future I would be used by Him to help start and empower relationship based, Spirit led, home fellowships.

Now I am over 58 years old and still following and serving Jesus as best as I can.  My youth and childhood was difficult to say the least, but Jesus brought me through all the rapes and abuse and kept my feet solidly upon the Rock.  I honestly do not remember a time when Jesus was not right there with me.  I love Jesus with all that I am… and now I am blessed to be able to be in relationship with many others who understand what it is to actually be the Body of Christ.  I relate to many fellowships now that function freely as led by the Holy Spirit.   The things Jesus showed me as a child are now coming true for many people all over the world.  I cannot begin to adequately express how thankful my heart is to see the fulfillment of my childhood thoughts and dreams.  For those of you out there who have yet to find fellowship and a functioning Body of Christ.. I say pray and don’t give up.  Jesus hears and will answer your hearts desire. …And everyone out there please know this:  You are loved and accepted among the beloved.  Jesus will meet and lead you outside of the walls of traditional religion.  Do not change who you are in order to fit in with “man’s” system of doing “church”.  In the true Body of Christ you will fit in just the way you are.  You are created uniquely by Him.  Don’t give up, don’t surrender, and do not compromise what the Spirit is leading you to be.

Love and…..

Kirk Out !

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  1. Such a great testimony. Thank you for sharing this Christopher. Yes, I continue to pray for that fellowship of open believers who are no longer bound to the church and it’s false doctrines and rules and heresies – all the things it accuses others of and is itself guilty of, just as were the Pharisees of Jesus’ day. And more importantly, I stay in touch with Jesus and grow in being led by His Spirit. I can’t thank you enough for this blog which is really so helpful to me too. Love and blessings, Jem.

    • Jem, your encouragement and growth inspire me to keep on writing that which HE gives me. Love you too my brother.

  2. Sue H. permalink

    You are such an encouragement of love and hope!
    Thanks Christopher!🥰🤯‼️👏💝
    Keeping u in prayer, brother.

  3. jerrycreesyahoocom permalink

    No compromise! Thanks, Kirk

  4. ((((hugs)))) Bless you for being authentic with us. One of the ways of being that the church system shy’s away from is their leadership being authentic as they teach if others see our past that they may think less of us. I disagree… I think such does the exact opposite because we can see HIS inner transformation and healing in our lives. Often we can see His training as well … as I read this the following came to mind which I was led to add to my website back in 2000. Many have been in training since and before then for the next Spiritual Move of our Father; you my brother are one of them:

    “Father GOD HIMSELF is training up a new breed of Apostles, who will offer new wine for drink. Man is not doing this… God Himself is calling them… and training them, during their times of consecration and union with HIM. His essence will be seen within and through their lives, even when they are unaware of such… due to their spiritual union. This new breed will be rare at first, and many will miss out on the new wine they will have to offer, because they are holding unto the old, thinking it is better. Their wine will not be like the old wine, the church is instructed to lay aside … the old no longer has the same value it once did. This new wine will be from a resurrected vine… and not from the old dead vine… which died at Calvary. (Inherited natural, traditional thinking about God, ourselves, others and life as whole… exchanged for a new spiritual perspective, our having died to the old preconditioned concepts with Jesus at Calvary and through the daily experiences God is giving us, through the spiritual life we each find ourselves having.)

    This new breed of apostles will carry new wine skins, pouring out the power of God within… the resurrected power of the Spirit of Christ from within, as God’s Kingdom in Heaven is established on earth… through Him living in them… and through them, as neither male nor female… but Spirit manifested. God Himself is consecrating these Apostles, thru circumstances they will not have control over, since they have surrendered to His complete will for their lives. He is training them in the way they should go even now… as He harnesses them for His pleasure and His eternal purposes and they enter into His rest having come to know of His abiding love and eternal Presence in their now.

    They will walk in resurrected power, (for Christ’s sake), having died within to their own inherited fearful nature, while taking up their cross to die daily to their own will, to their own agenda, to any fleshly ways of thinking and being or perceiving, that God ordains, so Christ’s resurrected Spirit, having renewed the Spirit of their mind, can come forth in them… they having become one… not only knowing Him in the fellowship of His suffering, but the power of His resurrection.

    They will have become new creations in Christ…. A whole new Being. The good will die as well as the bad… as they let go of who they once were, to become who it is they were created to Be. There will be nothing of the old man left that will not be redeemed…. restitution comes to mind. They and their role will be like no Apostle who has ever been before… each will be unique and will walk according to the unfolding of Father’s eternal plan. The works of Father’s hand and heart in their life will be evident. Like Christ, their brother, they will be both fully human and fully divine. They will be aware it is no longer they who live, but Christ’s Spirit which rules them from within… for by Him, in Him, for Him and thru Him all is created…. so we can become one in Spirit and Truth … and walk in love, truth and fellowship with our Creator and His family. They will be Forerunners.

    This new breed of Apostles God is bringing forth in due season… will know it is not them in control in any way…. for they will have died to all need for control or fame in their own life, having counted the cost. They will not be man pleasers, but they will seek to please God alone, when it comes to His will for “their” lives…. coming into agreement with His eternal plan, which they know to be good and not evil experientially. They will know how to listen and they will hear Father clearly, and their words will be confirmed as a witness to all concerned…. even so… not all they meet will desire the new wine at first, believing the old is better.

    They will be bold, yet humble not walking in fear or showmanship or greed. They will trust God completely… desiring His will alone, which will stem from their deep mutual love…. which will overflow empowering them to walk in the Spirit of unconditional love. Love and truth will motivate them. They will be at peace within, as they trust they are in His will… no matter what circumstance they discover themselves in. They will see from His eternal perspective… and speak forth His words as they let go of that which is familiar, that they might continually drink of the new wine they are offered and are created to give out as Spiritual Pioneers.

    They will recognize God as their Father and they will be very much aware of God’s Holy Spirit within them and in others lives. Those who Father brings across their path, will be reconciled to God on a new level, as the testimony of their life imparts spirit and truth, as well as love and joy, building up and edifying the body of Christ towards maturity, in preparation of His return. They will not seek to draw others to them… or their teachings… or for financial gain… but they will seek to direct others to Almighty God… as their Father… friend… and the lover of each of our souls, as revealed through Jesus, the initiator and perfector of their faith and the knowing they walk in. Some individuals who come in contact with them, will become reconciled to God for the first time, as God’s Holy and Righteous Spirit is awakened within each… as the Church… and therefore they will be establishing Churches… just not in the ways it is imagined they would, by themselves or others, when they first heard God’s Apostolic Call deep within.

    Their surrendered hearts will be one with their Father… one of reconciling others to their Father… Who is the Spirit of love, truth and holiness, as manifested through the teachings and life of Jesus Christ by way of revelation and confirmation.”

    • Wow Bren, you honor me in ways I cannot live up to, but I know Christ im me can. What you have shared here confirms other inspired words I have been given over many years. The time is drawing so nearer and nearer. I am praying, praising HIM and weeping now.

  5. Appreciate the confirmation… this virus and other tribulations is causing many to turn to Him, the time is indeed drawing nearer and nearer. Those within the system who are upset that they cannot ‘go to church’ are being given the opportunity to ‘go to Him’ in new and living ways. We have nothing to fear and much to rejoice over and can do so once we have received eyes to see from Father’s eternal perspective.

  6. Dan permalink

    We are not going to give up. It’s too important. She’s too important. Jesus loved the Ekklesia and gave Himself up for her. EPH 5:25.

    • Exactly Dan, no turning back just pressing forward into more of Jesus. Thanks for sharing.

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